Thursday, June 6, 2013


You were always there for me even when I turned astray
Through all the storms and the downpour that drown me you were there with a shelter for me to hide in
A place of rest and comfort until it blew over
I did not appreciate your kindness like I should have
I left your sanctuary into the wilderness to roam blindly and clouded by my pride
Unwilling to confess the secrets that held me shackled
Carrying the weight that was not my burden to uphold
Regret led me to be captive to the ones I considered enemies
Those trials should have made me wiser but I grew more bitter with every tear I shed
Saying to love you while I was crucifying you with hypocrisy
Believing I was holy and thinking that I was doing your work
All the time I was following man rather than you
Forgetting the most important lesson you taught long ago and that is to love your brother
I only condemned him 
Now the time has come to learn how to love again
To give you my pain and to trust you
To humble myself - to surrender this pride and these dark dreams
I don't know if I can do it all over again
The road is too hard and I can't change completely
You deserve an apostle that will devote their life to you
I can not do that, not with my whole heart

(Written by Amy E. McCoy 2000)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Why should I dwell in this cold desolate pit for eternity? Who is to remain with me? Am I to be left in my loneliness? Must I be the one to venture through this maze of frozen wasteland? Why have all my comrades fled like a bunch of filthy rats?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hello World,

I hope that all is well in your lives today. I am doing exceptionally well this fourth of July.